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Writer's pictureElizabeth Spencer

Rest for the Weary.

Busy is my middle name.

Well, actually it’s Diane, but nonetheless, I am a woman who likes to be doing something at all times.

I've been wired like this since middle school. I broke out of my introverted shell and suddenly I was ready to take on the world.

I really saw this come to fruition once I moved into my time in college. It didn’t help that I truly believed my dad every time he told me “You can do anything as long as you put your mind to it”.

Sure, dad. You’re absolutely right- I can work two part time jobs and be involved in five different ministries across my college campus. And you know what, I can also spend a lot of time with friends and family in the time in between.

And that’s exactly what I did. What dad failed to mention is that even though I could do anything, it didn’t mean I would always do it well or without burning out.

I could probably count on one hand the times I felt truly, absolutely rested in college.

I’m sure this resonates with many of us. I’m not naive, I know I’m not the only busy person in the world. I am surrounded by friends and family who stay just as busy as I am.

This isn't new. We live in a busy world. Being ‘busy’ is something that we have been taught is normal behavior. Our culture challenges us to be bigger and better, which subtly stirs us to make ourselves become even busier than we are the previous week.

Many of us catch ourselves countlessly excusing our busyness by stating “well, if i can just get through next week (or maybe even month), then I'll have time to rest and it'll get better”. If you're that person, tell me- does it?

As someone that uses that same excuse, my answer is - rarely.

This life we live in the busyness of the world causes us to hurry, and we seldom rush for the right things. In fact, I would dare say that some of our busyness distracts us from what is actually important.

Now please don’t hear me saying that being busy is bad; what I’m saying is a life lived in the busyness of the world is a life that is hard to glorify God with pure excellence.

If we rush from one thing to another, how are we taking time to relish in the goodness of God, sit and listen to what we can only hear in the quiet, or even how to worship Him with our whole being?

In a culture that pressures us to keep up with the hustle and bustle of the world around us, are we finding ourselves set apart?

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will."

Romans 12:2

Friends, as you know, we are called to be holy- set apart from the norms of our world and culture. But, how do we do that?

First, I believe it comes with recognition. When we recognize that most of our time has been consumed with things aside from Christ, then we can begin to do something about it.

For instance, let's think back to one of Jesus’s encounters with his friends, Mary and Martha.

As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!” “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

Luke 10:38-42

This passage alone brings forth many points of conviction for myself. But, what it also presents is that Martha was not even aware of the fault that being busy can bring to some of us.

It took the confrontation of Jesus Christ to help Martha understand what was truly important.

As I look upon this, I can remember many times I was reminded of how many times those who cared for me came to me concerned for how busy I was. Whereas I understood and agreed with them, it took the conviction of Christ to truly comprehend why it wasn’t necessarily a good thing.

But, I also wasn’t able to come to that conclusion until I took time to sit back and communicate with Him.

So in recognition comes the need for prayer and conversation with God.

From there, we can be presented with the truth that Jesus bring to Martha in the Luke passage- few things are needed, and sitting in the presence of Jesus is always the better option.

So in that recognition comes the need for reflection of truth. This is when we ask ourselves: okay, what can I do to fix this? How can I become less busy while still being obedient and walking in my callings?

That's not something I can answer, or even you can answer, but once again, it points back to abiding in Christ. We have to turn our eyes to Him for clarity.

And of course, once you have sat back and listened to His answer, then you can move forward to application.

Maybe you live of life of serving in many ministries- Praise God! Serving Christ is amazing, but are you able to serve Christ excellently with that many ministries on your plate?

Some of us can, and that is great! Some of us, like myself, find it hard to balance at times, and that means that all may only receive average attention, or even somewhere below that.

Maybe it means one of them gets 75% of my attention while the other two or three split the other 25%.

Is that a representation of good worship? No.

The other side of my lack of excellence in glorifying Christ is that it also leaves no room for rest- something we are called to do.

It’s okay to be tired, but being tired leads to exhaustion, and that exhaustion can slowly lead to burnout if we aren't careful.

This is something I’m personally terrible at. I think I often believe that I am superwoman. I think that no matter how tired I get, I can still get multiple things done, and I can do them well.

Wrong. This is not always the case.

See, even superman (or superwoman, if you will) has his kryptonite.

Our bodies were created to rest. In fact, God modeled Biblical rest when He created the universe in six days and used the seventh day to rest.

Scripture encourages us to lean back into the arms of God and find comfort in Him, and to keep a sabbath day holy. To be holy is to be set apart, as I mentioned earlier

Even through His ministry, Jesus became tired. He has to take time to get away and fast, but He also just took time to sit and drink water (John 4)

He took care of more than just his mental and spiritual body. He also called His followers to do the same.

The apostles gathered around Jesus and reported to him all they had done and taught. Then, because so many people were coming and going that they did not even have a chance to eat, he said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest.”

Mark 6:30-31

Once again, ding ding ding, conviction!

Our physical body is something that requires nurture and care.

I can’t even count the amount of times I have become so busy with ministry or events that I have gotten to the end of my day and realized that I forgot to eat. Or maybe I have become so stressed by said things that I over indulge- neither of which are glorifying to God.

This is a consistent battle for me.

So, for those of you still reading (I realize this was a longer one), what is the Lord telling you now?

How can you serve Christ well while having multiple things on your plate?

Can you take time to rest? Or maybe just take time to evaluate your time?

What does rest look like for you?

Circling back to my dad- "You can do anything if you put your mind to it."

If that's you, the question is not can you- but should you?

Songs for reflection, prayer, and singing:

"Lean Back" - Maverick City Music, Amanda Cook, Chandler Moore

"Make Room" - The Church Will Sing, Elyssa Smith, Community Music

"Fresh Wind" - Hillsong Worship, Brooke Ligertwood, David Ware

"He Will Hold Me Fast" - Shane & Shane

"Be Still My Soul (In You I Rest)" - Kari Jobe

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