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Writer's pictureElizabeth Spencer

Called to Love - A Simple Reminder.

Picture this: It’s graduation season. The best time of the year. I’m not talking about high school or college graduation. No, it’s Kindergarten Graduation Season, baby.

We went all out at my little school. I had one graduation picture taken in a pretty white dress and the other in a blue cap and gown. I had it going on. If you don’t believe me, here’s the proof.

Shoutout to my grandmother from the permanent dents in my head from how often she had me sleeping in perm rods.

Now, my private school didn’t mess around. We had a whole production for graduation. We each got to be a part of a cute musical number that had us dressing as an animal (I got to be a turtle with cool sunglasses), and then we were all a part of one big number where the boys dressed as caterpillars and the girls were beautiful butterflies.

After we sang a song, one which I can't remember, we each had the opportunity to share what we wanted to be when we grew up. It was a beautiful moment where everyone went googly-eye on us and ooh-ed and aw-ed at our responses- even the absurd ones.

Though I don’t remember much from my childhood, I do remember that at each dress rehearsal we had, my answer changed. I believe my answers varied to things like being a veterinarian, being a teacher, and being like my mom (I stole that from another girl after the teacher thought it was cute).

This was supposed to be a beautiful part of the production, yet as I look back I realize that we had absolutely no clue what we were talking about. I mean, how is a five year old supposed to know what they want to be when they grow up? Simple answer- they're not.

Fast forward seventeen years later (yes, I went through Kindergarten twice), and the little five year old was getting ready to graduate. And guess what? She still wasn’t 100% sure what she wanted to be when she grew up.

The last semester of my senior year of college I was faced with different options; and all of them were great. But as I was preparing myself for this next season of life, I felt as if I needed to have my entire future figured out. I was being pulled in different directions, and I felt peace in all the directions. So how was I supposed to know which one was the ultimate call from God?

I confided in a lot of people, asked for prayer, and set aside hours upon hours where I just sat and waited to hear from God. His answer seemed to be silence. What was I supposed to do?

Friends, silence can be powerful. This silence reminded me to lean into my Creator and be patient. It taught me the importance of finding comfort in His present presence. I could find peace in remaining in Him in that moment. That moment was where He had me.

This is what the Lord began to show me in that present moment.

The Lord had no Scripture that would read “Elizabeth, the rest of your days you are to work as fill in the blank.” He didn’t speak in a loud voice that commanded me to take a certain path. But let me add, this isn't me saying that He can't do that- He can.

What the Father did was this: He reminded me the truth found in Scripture.

“Jesus replied: ‘‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’”

Matthew 22:37-39

My ultimate calling in life is not a job, but it is to love God with everything I have, and take that same love and love those whom He created. My greatest commandment is to love in all things; whether that means to love God and others through a position in Tennessee, Alabama, or Alaska- literally anywhere my feet could ever be planted.

Each day when I rise I am called to take up my cross and follow Him. My life is to be a response to the truth of who Jesus is. That's it.

So, when I worry if I'm on the right road- I know I am. I know that as long as I am serving the One who gave His life for me, then where/when/and how I am serving Him are just mere details along the way. It falls into place as long as your foundation lays there.

I proceeded with that mindset, knowing that the Lord had given me peace in each direction. If you know me personally, you would know I chose to go on full-time at my lovely church in Hixson, TN, where I had been serving part-time throughout my Senior Year. And I love where my feet are planted.

I have the opportunity to love God through loving His people- in this case, my church body and community. All He wants from me is a spirit of obedience; He wants me to step out and find the place where I can love Him and others best.

So do I know what I want to be when I grow up? Yes. An obedient servant of Christ. I have no idea what that entails, other than it requires totally surrender of the present and future.

Do I always get it right? Absolutely not. There are times daily where I see some a time where I could have loved God or others better. It's a journey. Thank God for His never ending grace.

"I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me."

Galatians 2:20

Y'all, our life is no longer our own. So when you feel nervous or anxious about what comes next, remember Who holds your steps. Remember that no matter what comes next, in every season of life, we have the same calling.

I promise that you can't go wrong as long as you are loving God with everything you have, and following up that love for God by loving His people.

Find ways to love others well today. Pray for opportunities, reach out to those you know could use love, and don't ever wait for the opportunity to find you. Seek it out.

Songs for reflection, prayer, and singing:

Body, Mind, & Soul (Acoustic) - Phil Wickham

Oh, How We Love You - United Pursuit ft. Will Reagan

Called me Higher - All Sons and Daughters

Make Us One - Catch the Fire Music, Naomi Raine, Summer Shealy

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