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Writer's pictureElizabeth Spencer

A Thankful Heart.

Even though I was homeschooled for high school, I found myself having a rough time.

During my high school years, I found myself feeling constantly discouraged, beat down by ministry, and at times, ready to leave the church.

Now, if you’re reading this and a part of my home church, it’s not personal. At the time, being as I was young and naive, however, it felt personal.

At an early age I felt insanely high standards put upon me and my role in ministry, and they were standards I rarely met.

Expecting a 16 year old girl to act with grace, honor, and respect in every moment is not inherently a wrong concept, but it also weighs down on the sixteen year old. So much so, it could have the opposite effect on them.

Needless to say, I felt as if I was always disappointing others and being pushed out of opportunities the Lord had put upon my heart.

Looking back at this instance, I understand and value the pain I felt then, but I also laugh at the tunnel vision I held.

The reality is, things were hard, but I focused on them so much that I was unable to pull myself out of my own pity party and into thankfulness for what was still great around me.

I did not have a thankful heart.

However, I have also been on the opposite side of the spectrum.

By the end of my time in college, everything in my life seemed to be lining up.

I had great relationships with others around me. I had a career lined up after graduation. I had been serving the Lord and my campus well through many ministry opportunities.

Everything in my world was great.

Yet through the excitement and happiness of the things going on around me, I lost sight of the giver of those blessings and fell into pride.

I did not have a thankful heart.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.”

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18

In all circumstances, both good and bad, we are called to rejoice, pray, and give thanks. This means in the good and the band.

But why?

Well, first, it's a commandment of God. But, God doesn’t just command this without a purpose. A thankful heart has so many benefits to our Christian walk and relationship with Christ.


A thankful heart acknowledges our need for Jesus.

“In his hand is the life of every living thing and the breath of all mankind.”

Job 12:10

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Romans 8:28

We must acknowledge the truth found in both scriptures.

The old song that some of us used to sing in Sunday School as kids still reigns true in every season of life: “He’s got the whole world in His hands.”

When we begin to register that God is the author of all things we have to be grateful for, we can then see the need we have for Him.

When we endure hardships, we have the choice to either carry it alone, or we can surrender our pain and grief to the One who has felt it most.

When we make the choice to practice gratitude rather than a bad attitude, we see our need for Jesus around us. Through this, we have the opportunity to surrender control to King Jesus.

In doing so, we will also more prominently recognize His grace towards us.


A thankful heart helps us keep our eyes on Jesus.

“I lift up my eyes to the mountains— where does my help come from? My help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth. He will not let your foot slip— he who watches over you will not slumber; indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep."

Psalm 121:1-4

After this acknowledgement of our need for Christ, we then can see the importance for our eyes to be continually lifted to Him.

Jesus is the source of our help. He will direct our steps as long as we look to Him for such guidance.

When we thank the Lord, we remember who is always good and always sustains us in times of trouble and need but also in times of joy and celebration.


A thankful heart changes our perspective and reminds us of the blessings of life. It eliminates negativity and complaining.

Gratitude redirects our mindset.

In our flesh, we usually divert to seeing what is wrong or could be better in our lives. But, when we walk in the Spirit and cultivate a grateful heart, we have no choice but to be positive and notice the blessings that life still has to offer us.

In all circumstances, even when it feels life is drowning us with the worst things possible, we still have the best thing- the gift of Jesus Christ.


A thankful heart welcomes God’s presence into every moment of our lives.

Knowing the benefits of thankfulness, we can now see one of the best— the invitation for Christ to dwell in every moment.

When our minds are set on thankfulness to Jesus for all of His many gifts, we will find ourselves ushering Him into every single moment of our lives.

We will see ourselves welcoming Him in to celebrate the good things with us, but we will also see us welcoming Him into the deepest and darkest parts of our lives.

When we invite Him to be a part of those things, we are allowing Him to comfort and guide us into our next steps.

Now friends, don’t let me fool you, Christ is always here. He surrounds us at every moment.

But, there is such a beauty found in the willingness to let Christ work instead of pushing forward in selfish ambition.


The act of gratitude leads to joy, contentment, peace, forgiveness, and compassion.

These characteristics not only affect your own life, but the lives of those around you.

Cultivate your heart of thankfulness and be observant to the changes that go on around you. Record those things and see the positive implication it has on culture and your own personal bubble of life.

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness."

Colossians 2:6-7

So, knowing our need for gratitude, how can we overflow with thankfulness? It takes intentionality.

Some of the best ways to foster a thankful heart is by counting your blessings- legitimately.

As of lately, I have taken time to daily write down three things I am thankful for. This could be recorded at the beginning of the day, through its continuation, or at the end through a time of reflection.

The significance of this exercise is creating deliberate time. It causes us to sit and think about all of the blessings we have received in our day and entire lifetime.

We can be thankful for people, opportunities, objects, but most importantly- we can be thankful for the One who gave us the biggest reason to be thankful.

It is my prayer that we emulate Psalm 100 as we go through daily life:

“Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations.”

Psalm 100

As we go into work, class, or spend the day at home doing domestic work, it is my prayer that we would continually keep thankfulness in our hearts and minds.

If/When we fold clothes, may we say, “Thank you, Lord, for the provision of clothes to dress our bodies.”

If/When we struggle at work, may we say, “Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to be financially stable.”

If/When we have disagreements or quarrels with friends, may we say, “Thank you, Lord, for the presence of a person who loves me and whom I love.”

If/When we celebrate a promotion, may we say, “Thank you, Lord, for the blessing of responsibility and financial increase; may it bring glory to you.”

If/When we go into a class, may we say, “Thank you, Lord, for the opportunity to increase my knowledge of the realms of the world around me.

If/When we lose a loved one, may we say, “Thank you, Lord, for their time spent on earth and the impact they had on my life; Thank you for their presence in my life for a time.”

More than anything, let us wake up blessing the Lord for His prevenient grace, unconditional love, and the gift of the sacrifice of His Son which made a way for us to have reconciliation and eternal life with the Father.

Where else can we find more joy than in practicing gratitude for the King of Kings?

Songs for reflection, prayer, and singing:

“This is How I Thank the Lord” - Mosaic MSC

“Gratitude” - Brandon Lake

“Firm Foundation” - Cody Carnes

“I Thank God” - Maverick City Music

“Jesus Thank You” - Sovereign Grace Music

“Mercy” - Maverick City Music, Elevation Worship

“Million Little Miracles” - Maverick City Music, Elevation Worship

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